Canyoning en the "Terres de l'Ebre"

Adult PricePrice Child Contact
36.00 €30.00 €
Canyoning en the "Terres de l'Ebre"

This activity consists of traversing riverbeds, jumping puddles and sliding down natural waterslides.
Canyoning for beginners, very aquatic, easy and extraordinarily beautiful.
Gullies for all levels.


Minimum of 6 people

if you are not the minimum number of recommended to the activity, contact us by email or phone people.
Transport no included

Essential swimsuit, towel, change of clothes and shoes that can get wet and parts.
Includes: Material, 5mm wetsuit and helmet

Minimum age: 10 years
Recommendations: Sun block and insect repellent.

Canyoning en the "Terres de l'Ebre"Canyoning en the "Terres de l'Ebre"Canyoning en the "Terres de l'Ebre"

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