Camarles - Ebro Lands

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Camarles - Ebro Lands

Camarles is a town of considerable antiquity if we consider the archaeological references appeared. Near the tower Camarles archaeological remains have been found of an Iberian settlement, and the departure of Bordissal, over fifty censers with terracotta female representation of the Phoenician goddess Tanit. It is documented that in the middle of the twelfth century, Ramon Berenguer IV, after the conquest of Tortosa, gave the tower or castle of the knight William Sunyer. Later, the tower was given the same Granadella Bishop Berenguer Jofre, and by extension, the new bishop of Tortosa. These sites were part of the military fortifications alignment that crossed the ancient sea coast to defend against the danger of pirates and other criminals. Camarles was a seaport before the formation of the delta platform, of which there are testimonials on sites located over the continental platform, which still have their low rings that were used to moor ships are coming.
This is a part of the story of "The Boquera" name that follows the old grandparents Camarles and where, as a river mouth, has "Boquera."

The chamberlain, at the time known in ancient times was the official responsible for the service of the king, which was part of the royal council and responsible for managing the assets
text extracted from the web

Camarles - Ebro Lands

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