Garcia - Ebro Lands

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Garcia - Ebro Lands

It seems that the location, Garcia has been inhabited since ancient times. It was the first Iberian settlement and later Roman town existed as.

Later occupied by the Saracens, was conquered by Ramon Berenguer IV, who gave the name to the whole region of Marquis de Siurana. Initially awarded to Albert Castellvell for resettlement, in 1174, and Alfonso Garcia gives the castle, among others, William Castellvell.

Later, a daughter of the House of Castellvell marries William Entenza. The barony passed to the house Castellvell understand that, apparently, there established his main strength. In 1321 the barony extinguished Entenza and his lordship is under the control of the king.

King James II ceded this territory, along with others, to his son. All are under the name of the county Prades and baronies set in each town. County Prades happened later in the Ducal House of Cardona, who was to the land lady. In 1565, the Dukes of Cardona rebuilt the town on a hill to be able to defend better. The village is currently on this site.

During the Peninsular War, in 1810, the town was occupied by the troops of General Suchet. The sometents the region, including Garcia, who defeated the French forces had taken Falset, and forced to retreat.

The Civil War of 1936-39 severely affected population. Proximity to the battle front, was very bombed and destroyed the upper part of the village.

Festivals and customs

Festival held on the third Saturday of January, in honor of San Antonio Festival, August 15.

Also on Easter is a pilgrimage to the chapel of Sta. Magdalena and cakes are auctioned. Danced jacks.


The original church was destroyed during the Civil War. The present church was built in 1949.

A 7 km. the town is the shrine of Sta. Magdalena, built under a huge rock covering. In 1835, during the Carlist War, when burned the monastery of Scala, also burnt the chapel of Garcia. It was later rebuilt.

Text taken from the website

Garcia - Ebro Lands

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