L'Ampolla - Ebro Lands

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L'Ampolla - Ebro Lands

L'Ampolla is the beautiful daughter of vigorous Mediterranean and Ebro River. The fingers of the river and the sea, playing with sand and waves have shaped a large lagoon to bottle shape. This name was released the small fishing village that has grown up near the old mouth of the river which today is called the Ampolla.
The origins of the village date back to the Iberian period. Historians L'Ampolla placed in Lebedontia Hellenic city, inhabited by the tribe of Iberian or erdets edentants. Found traces of Roman and pre-Roman antiquity confirming the roots of the town, such as coins, amphorae and antefixes (clay elements in female form).
The history of l'Ampolla is closely linked to fishing and maritime traffic. In fact, in the mid-sixteenth century, Pope Adrian embarkation to go to Rome. In the last third of the nineteenth century, progress began to structure the Spanish coast and approached L'Ampolla to major cities in Catalonia. In 1867 he built the railway station l'Ampolla, and the first train circulated on May 8 of that year.
In its earliest origins, L'Ampolla was an inn royal road from Tarragona to Valencia. According to old documents, in the sixteenth century several families of fishermen who inhabited this place. At the end of the century, the town's beaches began to be very popular for bathing in the sea, so that there came to be a special train for swimmers, linked Tortosa to L'Ampolla.
After the Francoist period gave new impetus to the will of the villa segregationist l'Ampolla. The Board was formed 1,976 Segregation, to the year 1980 reached the start of the segregation process through the courts. Anyway, it was not until November 15, 1989 that the Supreme Court was favorable to the creation of the new municipality of L'Ampolla. Three months later, on February 28, 1990, with a new Supreme Court ruling concluded the process of self-management of the people of L'Ampolla as a municipality in Catalonia, becoming the City Council on May 5, 1990.
text extracted from the web ampolla.org

L'Ampolla - Ebro LandsL'Ampolla - Ebro LandsL'Ampolla - Ebro Lands

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