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700 years of history
(From 1303 to 2003. 700th anniversary)
Speaking of the population of the galley, we speak of a natural element that is the basis of their origin, and has been a crucial component. It is no news, all galerencs you know I am referring to the galley ravine. In a way, we could say that the ravine is for the galley what the Ebro to Tortosa, and despite the obvious differences, do not believe they are so distant comparisons. If the projects transvasistes finally finished running, river and gorge have a similar drought. The fact is that the ravine, to give the name of the village, I gave her reason for being.
The Ravine, origin of the town
 For many years represented the ravine dividing line, between the two jurisdictions milestone: first, the commander of Ulldecona jurisdiction or, in other words, the order of the Hospitallers, and, secondly, the jurisdiction Tortosa, ie the king. It was not free that people have traditionally grown in this part of the ravine, being more recent growth of the other, more or less, I insist, like what happened in Tortosa. The role and limits of partition ravine, there is a historical fact (reported in the documents) which is much anecdote, and once I had the opportunity to explain. It consists in a process of Vegueria the fourteenth century as a time of Tortosa magistrate was chasing an outlaw, someone who had debts to the royal justice. The chase led to the galley. The character was chased across the bridge, and when he was on the other side, began to make gestures, say irreverent, against the chief magistrate, who kept much to cross the ravine, because, although the jurisdiction allows it, there began the ownership of the Hospitallers Order Ulldecona.
So, Precipice is the natural means of identification for excellence, and we could almost say it is the foundational element of the galley. The reason why it was built to defend the tower is just over the bridge over the ravine.
 Foundation of the town
But when you start having a population concentrated around the ravine?, And when we speak of an incipient village?. That we do not know exactly. About a possible settlement before the fourteenth century we can only move on the ground of assumptions on assumptions more or less probable, but so far we have no tangible evidence to indicate that there was no population in the Iberian period or in the period Roman nor Arab period. However, we do know that at the beginning of the fourteenth century in a specific population to be the origin of the present town.
But, now I could ask exactly when set this town?. Well, unfortunately there is no record has been preserved founding what is known elsewhere as a charter, ie the concession by the king or a lord of lands, resources and some and privileges to establish a population. But the galley, not known the charter. And then we might ask: how is this year celebrating the 700th anniversary of the foundation?. Sometimes these questions have no clear answers, and many other times better not be in accordance with what questions.
In the case of the galley, but we can say that we know from the documentation that in 1303 (ie, 700 years ago this year) must exist, at least, a fledgling group of people. And we know that the judgment of a lawsuit between the settlers and their Godall Mr. Ramon Centelles. It turns out that the time godallencs staged a huge exodus to the plain towards the precipice of the galley, and does not seem to be for climatic reasons (which we can not rule out), but because (and this is what we sobreentendre of the document) habitat conditions, settlement, were more favorable to the galley, which otherwise makes us understand the existence of a legal framework, a charter. It is known that, as a general rule, the terms of settlement were better in royal towns (the case of the galley) in populations stately (if Godall), in which the power of the Lord was closer and burdensome for subjects.
So then newly released "autonomy" of the galley (at that time depended Tortosa, so the king) attracted the interest of the neighboring towns, especially Godall. But the ruling in 1303 decreed by Court judge invalidated the spontaneity Godall residents and forced them to maintain allegiance tied with her lord oath demanded as his vassals to remain in their land.
This way, you can mark this date (albeit indirectly) as the beginning of a population that has now reached its first 700 years, a very respectable figure. From the galley has been over the years not going into detailed list. Would invest a lot of time, and also I know of the existence of a book, which is intended to be a compendium.
The Tower
The different stages in the evolution of the people might just say a couple of things, both in the Middle Ages (fourteenth century), because it is, in fact, the origin of the population, and because it is a I have studied aspects of yourself. On the one hand, there is the Tower. Undoubtedly, the tower of the galley is the most representative architectural element and identification. And so much for his own image (impressive from a distance, standing out on the plain) and the fact that it is the heritage of the galley largest still standing. Interestingly, the defensive function of the tower itself, promoted by the municipality Tortosa in their hostility to the Hospitallers (which resulted in a real war), and built between 1340 and 1342, lasted little more than fifty years.
Since the completion of the works, the tower had serious structural problems, especially in the roof vault. Finally, in 1397 the roof collapsed and the tower is not recovered until, in the early eighteenth century, it installs the parish church, which survives to this day with transformations and reconstructions.
The two functions of the building (church and tower defense) come together, and it is something unique, blending naturally battlements and tower, and a spy watch.
 Ordinances medieval
 The other issue that I wanted to mention is the medieval ordinances. As a place that belongs to the general Tortosa Tortosa ruled the town during the Middle Ages a series of ordinances that governed social activity of the galley. When there is evidence from the first third of the fourteenth century. In general, these establishments ordinances or regulations the good ordering of the economic activities of the time, they were, as we can guess, mainly agriculture and livestock. To prevent livestock damage or vines planted, stipulating a detailed list of fines (significant values) that offenders should satisfy. As well staple that should be protected and regular water deserves the attention of legislators, and they ensure the rational use they make of the reservoir and the well (which was on the bridge) as essential elements of the population.
The artisan and commercial activity at that time was reduced due to the eminently agricultural and livestock population. However, thanks to this documentation, we know that there was an oil mill, a bakery, a tavern and a hostel. Certainly, I can confirm that this information is more than we possess the largest populations of the Lower Ebro Montsiá.
 La Galera, passing place and stay
 The perception of the galley during the Middle Ages as a discreet place is ever reversed, as when there was a war or when something has happened celebrity. In 1431, Queen Maria of Castile, wife of Alfonso the Magnanimous, decided to eat at the galley coming from San Mateo. It seems that people did not live up to its demands (which we thought was the queen accompanied an extensive court, which also used to eat it, of course) and asked (the queen) to leaders of Tortosa did lead to the galley sufficient quantity of fish, bread, wine and Oats. There is no other document that shows anger or satisfaction, but surely if today the Queen Mary would be well pleased.
The Bridge
 In this short historical overview of the early years of the galley as a people, from the standpoint of staging, it would put two pieces of mediaeval roots, which unfortunately have not survived until today: Cross the bridge and out . The stone bridge, which, following the analogy with which we began this historical summary, which must have been the bridge of boats was to Tortosa, had a somewhat precarious structure. By mid-century. XIV, which prohibit crosses the bridge with grinding wheels pulled by animals. If you had to cross it could only be by force of men to avoid damaging it. An uncertainty did not prevent the bridge survived despite damage and arrangements, it seems that nearly six hundred years (I have no evidence of lifting another bridge) until it was destroyed with explosives in 1938 within the context of the War of 1936-39.
 The Cross
 Florid Gothic style, and a significant part of the fifteenth century from the artistic point of view, the old transept had been mutilated during the Carlist Wars. One of his arms was torn, and since then kept in the parish church. In the late nineteenth century, the last day of December 1899, due to new development and independence has streets, the Plenary of the Council of the galley had decided its demolition (as can be seen, therefore, not always do things right). Figure intellectual Francesc Mestre Noah avoided it. Within days mobilized dignitaries from the world of culture, art and the Church were to change my mind the mayor and the council, which decided the removal of the cross, and even their restoration rebuild the broken arm as a lesser evil. Despite the efforts, Cross did not survive the ravages of the last war of 1936-39, but the example of the intelligentsia committed (albeit with heritage) and exemplified by Master Noah, wise and correct decision by the mayor of the time, are now obsolete values ​​that I think are worth claiming.
 St. Lawrence
This holy Aragon is one of the best examples, despite his lineage, which is known on the English phlegm. In the last phase of his martyrdom, when they put on a grill over hot coals, said quietly: "unam Assasti party,, aliam tour you will manducam," that is, as it was cooked as a part to be mengÃvol, asked that they turned to the other side. A lesson in perseverance, sense of humor and gastronomy.
Due to the nature of his life and his business unit, St. Lawrence has been the pattern of different groups. On the one hand, the poor, because he had distributed the wealth when he had the responsibility of being the church treasurer. As a deacon he was, and therefore in charge of the sacred books, has also become patron of librarians, booksellers and bibliophiles. Finally, the conditions of his martyrdom was the protector of trades exposed to burns, including firefighters, bakers, coal miners, cooks, glaziers, irons, etc..
Philip II led to their worship, he built the monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial in plant is shaped grille, and became a Spanish saint of devotion, as well as commemorating the battle and victory of San Quentin, which took place on the saint. I do not know the date when the patronage of St. Lawrence in the galley, but presumably part of this expansion of the sixteenth century.
 So who is or is deemed poor, who likes books, and guess who likes roast, or who is deemed burned in their daily work, or who is simply the Galera is dedicated to the Saint Lawrence proper, and therefore invite you to celebrate this festival.
 A final thought
 As an exception to the current dynamic, finally I would like to ask you from time to time variéssiu tax rate, which alentÃssiu a little, and, even momentarily, we look back towards your past. If you do not do that, surely arrive before (I'm not sure exactly where in) but you risk not knowing who you are.
 So: Godall sentence, the gorge, the Tower Bridge, the Cross, ordinances, livestock, jurisdictions, and many more are part of your / our past. According to which of these values ​​in your / our present and, as you were or as we did, it depends on your / our future. Vatros you have a lot to say.
Albert Curto Homedica
Regional Director of the Historical Archives of the Terres de l'Ebre
Text taken from the website:
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