Masdenverge - Ebro Lands

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Masdenverge - Ebro Lands

The origins of the town date back to the mid-eighteenth century, when a group of farmers left the city of Tortosa to occupy and cultivate the plains of the southwest, then barren. The town was established inside a bend of the ravine the galley and then built the chapel or oratory of Our Lady of the Rosary, just over a mile towards east. Gradually, it went uplifting farms. Henry Bayer states that formerly existed when the town was formed in the house of a certain Virgin, which took its name.

Around 1857 Masdenverge became independent from the galley and was formed in own municipality. That year the town had 1,071 inhabitants and the year 1860, it registered 1,080, the highest ever had. Then, almost to the end of the nineteenth century there was a strong demographic decline. Many of the inhabitants left Masdenverge to install in the Delta, where they could buy new land. The 1885 cholera epidemic caused 91 deaths, but the new century the population began to recover and increased until the current figure of 943 inhabitants.

Masdenverge is a town strategically well located and perfect for visitors who want to enjoy the Terres de l'Ebre.

The village lies in the middle of two natural antagonistic to each other more and variety of flora and fauna, national parks are the Natural Park of the Ebro Delta in a natural prevailing gaps and areas mouth of the Ebro and the highest mountain passes of 25, not meters, this park is located less than 15 km from the town, and the Ports Natural Park a mountain park with rich flora and important and wildlife, the park is at a distance of 25 km from the town

Text taken from the website:

Masdenverge - Ebro Lands

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