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The Montsant in the capital, drinking, is the southernmost region of the principality of Catalonia. It belongs to the province of Tarragona and is part of the territory of the Terres de l'Ebre.
The boundaries of the region corresponding to the southern region of Lower Maestre, Valencia Senia bounded by the river. To the west bordering the Matarra帽a of Aragon, and ports Beseit. At this point begins the threshold with the Baix Ebre, in the north, bounded by the river Ebro. To the east, follows the coast coast, the island of Buddha, and the Isthmus Aluet Trabucador the tip of the Horn and the coast within Alfacs to the mouth of the Senia in land-of-River (Alcanar).
The region consists of twelve municipalities. Its relief is characterized by almost absolute control of the plains: the western sector is made up of a wide flat tilted towards the Ebro and surrounded by mountains ports Beseit Senia River and the mountains and the Sierra Montsi谩 Godall , the eastern part of lowland alluvial delta of the river Ebro.
It was enacted as a county in 1936 by the Government, but had little effect because of the results of the Civil War. It was not until 1979 that the new statute of autonomy becomes considered as such. In 1990 he joined the municipality of Santiago envy of the region.
Text taken from the website C3% A0 i
Pobles de la comarca
Galera, la
Mas de Barberans
Sant Carles de la R脿pita
Sant Jaume dEnveja
Santa B脿rbara
S茅nia, la
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