M贸ra la Nova

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M贸ra la Nova

In the town of Mora la Nova are registered, currently there are 3,326 people, but the actual population is considerably higher. Located in the heart of the region of the Ebro basin, the municipality is one of the lowest among its neighbors, over 16 km.
Because natural found in the river Ebro, on the left bank, and at the heart of the region, Mora la Nova communication link can provide a splendid way to extending all possible directions: Axis Ebro, Lleida and Flix to the north, and to Hospitalet de l'Infant (connecting the A7 motorway) and Tortosa, the south, the N-420 to Mora de Ebro, Aragon and the Waldo one hand, and to Falset Reus and Tarragona, on the other, and finally the railway line Madrid-Barcelona via Zaragoza. New Blackberry is the most important railway station between Reus and Caspe and travelers using the regions of the southern and Terra Alta.
To put us in the origins of Mora la Nova, go out into the most crucial moment in history of the Catalan nation, the time of the War of Succession in 1714 and subsequent decrees New Plant in 1716, especially from the point of view of specific years. It is important to note, first of all, the two magistracies of these lands in Tortosa and Tarragona, from the new territorial division. Corregimiento Tarragona Montblanc absorbed the magistracy, which had a strange configuration: a narrow strip of land passing between Tarragona and Tortosa chief magistrates, to the sea, between Perello Hospitalet de l'Infant. The dividing line with Tortosa rose by Burg until the end of Mora d'Ebre in his left side of the river. There is precisely where you develop the village of Mora la Nova.
The first inhabitants of the old town had to pay taxes in Mora de Ebro, because dependent, and therefore corregimiento Tortosa, Tarragona but also as they were on the other side of the river, and also depended administratively. Having to endure the financial burden was a major difference in the subsequent claims of segregation.
Going back in time, it is obvious to say that the people of Mora d'Ebre had land on the other side of the river, and therefore the current Mora la Nova, and also built houses to live much of year, especially since cross the river was not as easy as today, are that gave rise to the village and also the first name by which it is known in our town, Farmhouses of the Blackberry. Today, throughout the region and nearby areas still used the term 'Farmhouses' to designate, colloquially, the town of Mora la Nova. The moranovencs I live very normal, even with a certain pride, clear evidence of a link with tradition and history.
The progression of population growth in three different centuries, is as follows: 126 residents in 1718, 562 residents in 1818 and 1,855 residents in 1918.
The first twenty houses, plus a few houses located in the old part of town, were of Marianet boiler, Biset, VALLOVIN Masip Subirats Weaver, gigs, Peretona, Su, Calafat Marruixo, Magrell, turned , Coke, Giralt, Manou, Pedret Ventura and Cabo Bot.
The file segregation Mora de Ebro begins in 1815, a year after the French War. King Ferdinand VII returned to Madrid after six years spent in France, and abolishes the Cadiz Constitution of 1812. Occurs, then return to the absolutist regime. After several setbacks, King Ferdinand VII granted the town charter on 3 April 1830. The process was long and impediments and obstacles came from very different places. However the procedure also granted full jurisdiction, which meant the fundamental grace, and that meant the right people in positions of authority or public organizations should understand the issues of their competence within the territory.
The men who made segregation were: Jaime Nolla (mayor), Pedro Nogues (1st councilman) Joseph Pedret (councilman) Joseph Pedret (trustee), Francisco Escoda, Jos茅 Antonio Sol茅 Juan Bautista Pi帽ol (Secretary). Documents immediately following, is Joseph Account as mayor and as a councilor Ramon Spanish.
It is inevitable when talking about the railroad in Mora la Nova, because, in fact, is the biggest shock since the establishment of the town as an independent municipality. Joaquim Nolla, attorney prestige and recognition in Barcelona, but the son of Mora la Nova, there was much to do. It was he who had the good idea to initiate the process to take the train.
Noll came in contact with the engineer of the railroad company, Eduard Maristany and agreed that the route of the railroad that made rodeo five kilometers to go to Mora la Nova, in addition to building the tunnel Darm贸s as the normal route would have been to cross the Ebro Garcia Siurana river and climb up along the ravine Eye of asthma, where they had located the station.

Text taken from the website http://www.moralanova.cat

M贸ra la Nova

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