Palma d'Ebre

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Palma d'Ebre

No news is the exact foundation of the town, although there remain many vestiges of the period of Arab rule, which suggests that the town already existed in those days.

The first paper on population data from 1262, when James I and Teresa Gil de Vidaure, record sales mean the castle Flix site of Palma, in favor of Arnal Forest.

In the early fourteenth century, Palma was governed by the Commander of Asco, belonging to the Fortress of Tortosa. Remained under the rule of the Hospitallers in 1318, take on this great Order of Priorat in Catalonia.

In 1399 he bought the baronies Flix Barcelona and Palma, who were under his command during the fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, with the exception of the years 1462 to 1472, during the wars against John II, who were under domain of Alfonso of Aragon. This possession was important for Barcelona. The main reason was its strategic position: both terms are located on either side of the river Ebro, and so had a great command of the passage of various goods on the river and avoided having to go to Tortosa which was paid heavy taxes for transportation.

During the Revolt, Barcelona loses control over Flix and Palma, and the people involved in various alternative is war.

1670, Flix and Palma are returned to Barcelona in 1673 but lost.

Century. No later eighteenth documentary, due to the burning of local files, the years 1810 and 1936.

Festivals and customs

Easter stands between traditional celebrations for the Group of Armed and hand drums and horns and crafts in the processions. Between April 29 and May 1 is celebrated Catherine, considered the second largest party. May 15 is celebrated San Isidro, patron saint of farmers and the cooperative, which is responsible for the organization of the party, and the July 10 St. Christopher, patron saint of drivers. The Summer Festival is held, as in many other nations, the 15th of August, in honor of the Virgin of the Assumption, patron saint of the town.


Stresses the old building of the old church of Sta. Mar铆a, Romanesque style of the XII-XIII in the middle of the town, in the most high. We also find the current parish church of the Assumption, built in 1802 in Renaissance style, with Baroque altarpiece from 1700.

Note also the remains of the former prison, located in the basement of the Town Hall. The location and construction suggests that the castle was the old jail, which any ruins. We note also near the village, the existence of a large pine tree, well known, declared monumental tree in 1991.

Text taken from the website

Palma d'Ebre

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