Rasquera - Ebro Lands

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Rasquera - Ebro Lands

Rasquera is a village in the Ribera d'Ebre, situated south of the region, at the foot of the Sierra de Cardo. It is distant from the sea about 30 km and although most of the term is rainfed, the Ebro River is only 4 km.
Rasquera Castle was conquered in times of Ramon Berenguer IV. His term is included in the gift Miravet castle the count-king did in 1153 to the Templars. For this donation, the place and the castle of Rasquera were integrated into the possessions of the Templars, centered Miravet. He was thus part of Miravet Templar, that the extinction of the order passed to the hospital (1317). This initial grant was confirmed in 1171 by King Alfonso I, which gave de jure hereditary Order of the Temple to the village of Rasquera. Source and Rivers speaks of a town charter granted to the Templars Rasquera, at a later date to 1171, and also said to have very vague references, contained in a subsequent instrument, of 1308. It thus appears that the repopulation of the place conquered was to be carried out after that said date at the end of the twelfth century. The place belonged to Tortosa vegueria until 1716 and from then until 1833 the district of this city.
The earliest manifestations of human presence in Rasquera correspond to a station with paintings rupestresprehistòriques the last hunter-gatherers • epipaleolíticos readers (10000-6500 years before present), the so-called Levantine Art, a figurative pictorial expression is absolutely outstanding as great contribution, among others, the design of the human figure, both male and female. Rasquera painted Recess was discovered by Katja and Manfred Bader inside the Surveying Campaign for Prehistoric Art Research led by Anna Alexandre Alonso and Grimal, 1999. While visiting the only image preserved a splendid female goat-totem species with a very special value for those human-is not advisable because of its difficulty, the cultural group of people made a commitment to raise awareness through a work that largely explains this deposit and its relationship to the other seasons of Levantine mainland retaining similar iconography
In the sixteenth and seventeenth Rasquera urbanistically takes shape: the center, with narrow streets and sloping, and the successive enlargements of increasingly wider streets. The houses were characterized by golden-red and attic calls, typical windows on the top floor of the houses, which are used for drying figs.
In the nineteenth century, with the confiscation of church property, 1835 and ending dependence Miravet mayor and the Order of Malta, Rasquera is constituted as a municipality, and was organized into the current situation pertaining to the region of the Ribera d'Ebre, judicial district of Gandesa and Tarragona.
In the twentieth century, include the episode of the Civil War. In the Battle of the Ebro in Rasquera had an observatory in the Sierra de Cardo, neck of Pines, also called General Enrique Lister observatory. The Cardo spa, 9 km of Rasquera, was used as a hospital by the Republican army.

Text extracted from web pages http://www.rasquera.altanet.org/content/història-de-rasquera i http://ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rasquera

Rasquera - Ebro Lands

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