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Arab fortress of a large port Sailor
Los construyeron a Muslim Rábita an Arabian fortress located near the mouth of the Ebro, and Carlos III Proyectar an inhabitant of that city became Impostor small nuclear fishermen in one of the ports of the Mediterranean grandes more.
More than a thousand years ago, they gave them to ya Muslim account of the advantages they offer vivir near the mouth of the Ebro, in an area of flat water and low unit, protected by the natural harbor iban formando aportaba them that the river sediments . They fear that eso construyeron a Rábita a Small medieval fortress from where podian control the traffic and commerce of river boats arrive. A lo largo de los centuries at this port Saharan mismo tipo de todo stop flotas, from the crown of Aragon until naves de las tropas Napoleonic boats. It was here, also, where the summer of 1610 embarked expulsados Moors and the Ebro valley where Carlos III in the XVIII century fue Proyectar inhabitants of a town that converted one of the larger ports in the Western Mediterranean. The Project will fail, but it already is today's carry followed esa history in urban trazado San Carlos de la Rapita, a seaside town that welcomes one of the most dinámicos Fishery ports of Andalusia and that has made one of the tourist locations with more projection de las Tierras del Ebro.
San Carlos de la Rapita Population is a rich traditions, where participan Rapitenca them actively.
The vitalidad muy importante y is associative dystrophy is a great Diversity of Cultural activity. The dance group has Rapitenca the world where there folkòric de las Tierras del Ebro with its group of dance and the giants. The Festival de las Tierras del Ebro Folkòric con su grupo de danza y los gigantes. Festival de los Alfaques account Ritmos them every summer with the presence of our centralized TIERRAS todos los músicos large category. This musical has acontecimiento logrado About the music lay audience, it offers good Concerts .
Forteresse arabe d'un grand marin du port
Los construyeron un Rábita musulman un forteresse arabe situé près de l'embouchure de l'Ebre, et Carlos III Proyectar un habitant de cette ville est devenue Impostor petits pêcheurs nucléaires dans l'un des ports des grandes méditerranéens plus.
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