Santa B脿rbara - Ebro Lands

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Santa B脿rbara - Ebro Lands

Although it is a young city, in the municipality of Santa Barbara are prehistoric, specifically in the game of Mian where remains were found in a necropolis century BC

Despite this evidence, the origin of the present town is after the War of Succession. Previously there was only the Inn of the Friars of the Order of Mercy, dedicated to the care of patients and travelers who were in the path of Tortosa Benifassa. The first settlers came and settled around Tortosa expanding the current term. In 1762 there were 39 families, the place then called Plains of the galley, which soon became known as the Plains of Santa Barbara, to the chapel that was dedicated to this saint near the location of the present church, dedicated to it.

The population increased rapidly, in 1784 there were 70 families, and growth intensified after the Napoleonic War, the war that people did not suffer due to being a walled town not open or amenable offer resistance. In 1812 there lived 143 families in 1824, 979 inhabitants.

Booming population, the population began the process to obtain independence from La Galera, which strongly resisted segregation. The legal dispute between the two populations, began in 1817 and was resolved on 9 May 1828, when Ferdinand VII signed the Royal Decree, which gave them full autonomy in the new town and municipal define his term.

The following years were strong economic and demographic growth. The population reached at the beginning of the present century the figure of 4,000, which was maintained until after the Civil War, when the town's traditional agricultural economy into crisis. Currently, this population growth has recovered, returning again to the figure of 4,000 people are currently.

Text taken from the website:

Santa B脿rbara - Ebro Lands

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