Paintball in the Ebro Delta

Adult PricePrice Child Contact
20.00 €20.00 €
Paintball in the Ebro Delta

Team strategy game, which used compressed air markers that are released to soil paintballs and "delete" temporary components of the opposing team.


Minimum 6 people

If you are not the recommended minimum number of people to do the activities, please contact us by email or telephone.

Minimum age 12 years.

Includes: Helmet, overalls, goggles, monkey, marker, 100 balls.
Additional recharge balls 5 € 100 paid directly in the activity.

Recommendations: Extra Clothes, shoes and parts, i sunscreen insect repellent.

Paintball in the Ebro DeltaPaintball in the Ebro DeltaPaintball in the Ebro DeltaPaintball in the Ebro Delta

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