L'Ametlla de Mar - Ebro Lands

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L'Ametlla de Mar - Ebro Lands

L'Ametlla de Mar, also called the Cove, is declared municipality Catalan Free Territory since September 28, 2012, pertaining to the Baix Ebre. It is on the coast between Cap de Terme in the north and south of the Eagle Ravine. Bordered on the south by the end of Perello, the northwest with Tivissa (Tarragona) and the northeast with Vandell貌s Hospitalet de l'Infant (Tarragona).
Of the 14 km of coastline stretching the term of Ametlla de Mar no different nuclei scattered population: (From north to south, following the coast)
Calafat, St. George of Alfama, Las Tres Calas, L'Ametlla de Mar (Urban Core) Golden Rocks (formerly Golden Rocks), Urbanization Marina Sant Jordi.
There is little documentary evidence of the first population centers of Ametlla de Mar to the eighteenth century, when, as a result of the momentum of settlement of Carlos III-emerged as core fisherman modern village attached to the city of El Perello.
Coinciding with the arrival of fishermen Valencia the people (several sources cite as source Benidorm and Valencia Grau), Almond grew with important figures for the nineteenth and twentieth century gotta start with 2,500 inhabitants.
The thirties were a trick for the villagers. There were significant migratory movements in Palamos and, to a lesser extent, in Roses. These movements were concentrated from the civil war until the sixties, when the first currents of immigrants and tourists transformed people's towns.
Fishing is still one of the main activities of the town. The port area of the Almond has a large flock of boats engaged in the arts of trawling, purse seine, trammel, etc.., And which also has the first fleet of tuna in the Principality.
The other activity of the town is economically powerful tourism and the service sector, which drive together, creating new local establishments to give a better service to all tourists Ametlla de Mar.

Text taken from the website http://ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/L% 27Ametlla_de_Mar

L'Ametlla de Mar - Ebro Lands

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