Muria Beekiping Interpretation Center + Natural Space Visit

Adult PricePrice Child Date selected Book Contact
13.00 €8.00 € Friday, 14 March of 2025
Muria Beekiping Interpretation Center + Natural Space Visit

"Fly to the world of sensations", an experience that allows discovering the exciting world of beekeeping culture.

The Apicultural Interpretation Center is a space created to disseminate the culture and tradition of the world of honey and bees. This initiative was born thanks to Mel Muria, dedicated for six generations to work with bees and the production, packaging and marketing of honey for the entire territory. Their products are of the highest quality and this is endorsed by the numerous prizes and national and international competitions to which they have been awarded. We should mention the solidarity side of the company, with constant collaboration with non-profit organizations and NGOs.

The Center offers you with audioguide a journey through the world of bees through various spaces where new technologies allow the visitor to interactively and didactically deepen in the world of beekeeping. One of the most interesting activities is the guided visit to the harves, being able to observe in the open air and in first person the habitat where the bees live.


Check includes
Visit to the Beekiping Interpretation Center
Visit to Beehives
For 1 person


- Indispensable closed shoes

Adult PricePrice Child Date selected Book Contact
13.00 €8.00 € Friday, 14 March of 2025
Muria Beekiping Interpretation Center + Natural Space VisitMuria Beekiping Interpretation Center + Natural Space VisitMuria Beekiping Interpretation Center + Natural Space Visit

Friday, 14 March of 2025

Adult Price 13.00
Price Child 8.00
Start time 10:00 Centro de interpretaci贸n ap铆cola Muria
End time 12:30 Centro de interpretaci贸n ap铆cola Muria
Places available 25
GroupsGroups from 8 persons conultar by email or telephone
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x €  (Children 2 to 12 years) The sum of squares are adult and child, are not superior to those available
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Pago y aceptación de condificiones
Euro 6000 Mastercard VISA

Additional Information

Additional Information

Holder of the bank account: Deltaturístic Rent SL Bank: CAIXABANK
Number of account IBAN: ES97.2100.1411.4802.0014.6636

In less than 24 skilful hours after his payment, we will send for e-mail the confirmation of the reservation
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